Yesterday, Bimbo Afolayan took to her Instagram to share the disturbing details of her her mother was viciously assaulted by her landlord in Lagos, and while many people had kind things to say, some called her out for not buying her mother a home in Lagos.
Which is why the actress is venting on her page and has chosen to lay curses on those who said unkind things about her situations.
She said:
“My mother is receiving treatment Awon oloriburuku! Mad people everywhere for those that started saying bad things about my mum on my page !may every curse of mine happen to your entire generation !! May your mothers and your children infact your entire generations go through this. ! I have never been on social media before to join the set of your role models because I know it’s not worth it ! Buh for you all to start saying rubbish without caring and even concerned about an old woman ! May you carry your curse all around ! I am in for all of u!”
And she said a lot more.